Why would kids see a chiropractor?

This week a Mum called up asking Ali “I think I want to bring my kids to the chiropractor but I’m not really sure if it’s the right place for them or if there’s any point?”  Now normally I’m busy adjusting and our incredible team are well trained to answer any questions they get from people calling, but this day I happened to have just finished my morning shift when she called, so was available for a quick chat.

This question is SUCH a common question we get: “I understand why I see you guys, you help with my neck pain/back pain that I get from sitting at a desk all day.  But my kids don’t have pain so why would they see a chiropractor”.   It’s such a great question - watch below to hear what I told this lovely woman .



When was the last time you felt vibrant and healthy? Our team of chiropractors are committed to helping you become the healthiest version of you.


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